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Photo du rédacteurAlterculteurs

Lee - From industrial agro-business to coordinator of an experimental permaculture farm

Finca Bona Fide, Nicaragua

Blue eyes, a kind and smiling face and an exuberant energy. This is Lee. Lee Cherry is 26 years old and American. He has a double diploma in business administration and hospitality. He presents us the Finca Bona Fide where he is one of two coordinators. He takes care of the farm aspect while the other coordinator takes care of the pedagogy. With a lot of enthusiasm, he goes over the property showing us plants, explaining us the rotations, the composting. We go from medicinal plants to fruit trees, while discussing water systems. He explains us the applied permaculture here. Each element fills us several functions and each vital function is ensured by several elements.

That said, he catches a termites nest, explains us that the chickens love it and that is is full of proteins. He puts his finger in the middle of it and asks us if we want a taste of it “no”, alright he puts his fingers in his mouth and lets us know it has quite a woody taste. His motto “Diversity brings resilience” and that is true of all domains and not only agriculture. Lee went to the Panama, Guatemala and Nicaragua for about 2,5 years before finding this position in the finca where he can learn more about permaculture, a concept he ran into and learned from Steven Brooks, a big name in this domain. With Lee, we understand that not only what happens now is important but also the time dimension, as in doing things now to prepare the next day cultures. It is the fourth dimension with which Lee presents the whole design of the farm. The essential things are invisible to the eyes.


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Finca Bona Fide

Travel Blog:

Week 5: From Masaya to Granada and Ometepe

Technical videos featuring Lee:

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