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Brogo Permaculture Gardens - New South Wales - Australia - En

Photo du rédacteur: AlterculteursAlterculteurs

Twenty-five years ago, John Champagne and his family decided to escape Melbourne and their mortgage to start a new life in the countryside. They built their beautiful own mubbrick load-bearing walled house and started an impressive garden, with a bountiful veggetable garden, chickens and ducks as well as a lot (a lot!) of fruit trees.

The 3-4 acres garden is organised around permaculture principles, with a clear zoning and uses a lot of various techniques to create a truly luxurious, green and beautiful environment, in total contrast with the bare pasture areas all around suffering severely from the draught.

The vegetable garden is closest to the house. The chickens and ducks have their own areas within the orchard and help with controlling the pest and eat the fallen fruits. The rainwater is collected and a pond filling with rainwater helps to provide water to the orchard. Solar pannels provide the necessary electricity.

We let you discover some of the very interesting features of this garden from John Champagne himself as he takes us through his garden.  



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