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Bombah Point Eco-Cottages - Australia - En

Photo du rédacteur: AlterculteursAlterculteurs


It is a beautiful place composed of several cottages, designed by an architect in order to make them self-sufficient in water (one or two rainwater collecting tanks depending on the size of it) and electricity (solar pannels shared amongst the whole property), a worm farm to treat the used waters.

There is a veggie garden and chooks conducted in permaculture by Suzi as well as an orchard placed on terraces due to the slope of the land. Duncan works the wood in a shed and repairs/renovates/creates furniture and other useful things.

The rest of the property is mainly constituted by forest preserved as the adjacent national park for wild life.

Duncan and Suzi are very welcoming people, love to do things by themselves and to eat healthy. They welcome regularly woofers in amazing and comfortable conditions and let us share their daily life organised around the cottage keeping and the works on the property.

Technical video made on-site:

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