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Photo du rédacteurAlterculteurs

Amber - From actress in Vancouver to builder of natural building houses

Rancho Mastatal, Costa Rica

As we walk around the Rancho Mastatal property, we reach two small houses in building. The sound of earth being scratched comes to our ears and we discover Amber, hands in the earth until the elbows. She is a tall young woman with a long blond braid, a shiny smile and a natural beauty. Amber is Canadian from Vancouver. She was an actress. Life wasn’t easy at the time but still seemed to work out. Eventually she was fed up and she left for Australia to build up an Earthship, completely autonomous houses once they are built. However, she found that in order to reach this goal a lot of cement and tires were used. During the weekend she was living on a farm nearby. Three years later, she has started up in the field of Natural Building, based on cob, a mix of clay, straw (or similar) and lime.

Back in Canada, she continues in this field and joins a collective called “Mud Girls”. This collective exists since more than 10 years and offer training in Natural Building for mothers, babysitting is organized during the training. It is a way to let the mothers out of their homes and empower them to make something concrete. Amber sees her friends around her which remained in Vancouver and have taken other paths. She does not have a fixed job nor a fixed place to live in and still, she tells us, at 33 years old “I am just happy all the time”. Her life is quite minimalist in material stuff but rich and full of experiences and free from all the planning. She is a free spirit, passionated who is very nice to spend time with.


Vidéos techniques réalisées sur le lieu:

Fermentation and Kefir

Introduction to natural building

Natural Plasters

Mexican Hot Sauce Recipe


Fiche-Lieu - Venue:

Rancho Mastatal



Blog de voyage - Travel Blog:

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